Friday 23 April 2010

Mr O is back back back

Tonight is the night. i have just spoken to Bob who was out watching the badgers last night and they saw a whooping 4 badgers, 2 roe deer, a fox and, of course, the customary rat. Good times. Lets hope tonight is just as successful (please please please). Oh, and, in true style, Bob has been on yet another DIY spree and constructed a wee wall along the edge of his part of the Ouseburn river. More exciting than this is the fact that the Ouseburn Otter has deemed this wall mighty enough to claim for himself and has left some lovely fresh spraint to taunt us all. I fear the hunt may be back on. Who would've thought that some poo on a wall could get me so riled up. There's no plan as yet, but mark my words there will be. And hopefully, this time, it will be a successful one.

Picture of the newly filled pond at Byker too, as promised. Not as exciting as an otter or badger I know but just as important to WildPlaces. Didn't the volunteers and the firemen do a lovely job!

Now this bit is only for the most adventorous of readers ....

How do you fancy whooshing across the Tyne River on a really thin piece of wire with nothing but a harness holding you in place? Sound good. It's going to be! Northumberland and Durham Wildlife Trusts are doing a spot of fundraising and we need you to help. On September 11 2010, there will be a sponsored zipline taking place from the top the Baltic and over the Tyne. It costs £30 to register your place and then all you need to do is raise £120 sponsorship and you'll be speeding across the river like a flash of lightening. If this sounds like your kind of thing (and it should), drop me an email ( and I will send you all the details to get you started. And don't worry, this Big Slide is super safe and super super fun. Even if you only do it for the reason that you will get to see Cheryl, WildPlaces project manager, nipping across the Tyne in a badger suit (and possibly me in a squirrel suit but that is still under discussion!). Thats got to be worth it, surely?!

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